Gordon Graydon Memorial Secondary School
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Where is located? 43.58569,-79.57271 (GPS Coordinates)
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Prior to finishing my Junior High (Gr. 11), my parents knew that I could have transferred to a better school when they announced that Graydon was going to close. I could have gone to a better one as I fully regretted being in that school. I... Read more
However, what's deeply troubling is that I was being sent to the Vice-Principal's office in 3 or 4 separate occasions when I ended up being bullied at this school. One Time, I skipped all classes throughout the day because I was at home whe... Read more
May I give you 0 stars to this school if you don't mind, to tell you the truth based on what I have witnessed, I was a student at Graydon, but I have to be honest and say this was a horrible place to be educated. I know that Teachers have a... Read more
List of nearest hotels:
Ivy Motel two stars hotel located at 1417 Lakeshore Rd E, 1.87 kilometers east.
Avenue Motel two stars hotel located at 1060 Dundas St E, 2.35 kilometers northwest.
Canadas Best Value Inn Toronto two stars hotel located at 650 Evans Avenue, 3.16 kilometers northeast.
Stay Inn Hotel Toronto two stars hotel located at 560 Evans Avenue, 3.73 kilometers northeast.
Love Mississauga located at 280 Michelle Row, 3.79 kilometers west.
Monte Carlo Inn Toronto West Suites three stars hotel located at 1886 Dundas Street East, 3.79 kilometers north.
The Waterside Inn three stars hotel located at 15 Stavebank Road South, 3.92 kilometers south.
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